The office of David S. Mah Architect is a firm dedicated to providing high quality professional architectural services.
Fifteen years of work experience on a wide variety of projects has provided the practice with a foundation in providing an integrated service focusing on function, aesthetics, and financial success.
We also feel that design flexibility, as well as maintaining clear client communication are also important elements of a positive working environment.
The range of work we have been involved with range from urban design and planning to residential design and construction administration.
We are presently working on several Heritage related multi-unit affordable housing developments in Vancouver, as well as various commercial and institutional and tenant improvement projects.
Mr. Mah currently serves as a member of the Surrey Advisory Design Panel, past member of the Professional Conduct Board at the Architectural Institute of British Columbia, as well as past chair of the Surrey Advisory Design Panel. He has also served as the past chair of the Chinatown Historic Area Planning Committee, as well as a volunteer at the B.C. Children’s Hospital implementing an architectural program geared for children.